School of Physical & Mathematical Science
Head Of Department's Message
Contact Us
Registered Research Scholars
Post Graduate Students
Attendance sheet of 4th Semester semester batch 2022
Attendance Batch 2022
Attendance sheet of 2nd Semester semester batch 2023
M.Phil /Ph.Ds awarded till date
Post Graduate
Minutes of Board of P.G. Studies 2024
Minutes of Board of P.G. Studies 2021
Minutes of Board of P.G. Studies 2020
Minutes of Board of P.G. Studies 2018
Minutes of the Board of P.G. Studies 2017
M.Sc. 2nd, 3rd and 4th semesters a
UG 3rd to 6 th semester
Minutes of the Board of P.G. Studies in 2015
Minutes of the Board of Studies with PG Staff of SP College
Under Graduate
UG Minutes Dated 26-07-2023
UG Minutes Dated 27-07-2022
UG Minutes Dated 29-03-2022
UG Minutes Dated 22-02-2022
UG Minutes Dated 29-01-2018
UG Minutes Dated 19-03-2016
UG Minutes Dated 11-12-2012
DRC Minutes Dated 27-05-2024
DRC Minutes Dated 01-03-2024
DRC Minutes dated 18-09-2023
DRC Minutes Dated 13-07-2023
DRC Minutes Dated 05-01-2023
DRC Minutes Dated 06-09-2022
DRC Minutes Dated 06-12-2021
DRC Minutes Dated 09-08-2021
DRC Minutes Dated 24-12-2018
P.G. Syllabi
Program Objectives
P.G. Syllabi batch 2024 & onwards
Course Pattern
M.Sc. 1st Semester
M.Sc. 2nd Semester
P.G. Syllabi batch 2021 -2023
course Pattern
M.Sc. 1st Semester
M.Sc. 2nd Semester
M.Sc. 3rd Semester
M.Sc. 4th Semester
P.G. Syllabi batch 2018-2020
Course Pattern
M.Sc. 1st Semester
M.Sc. 2nd Semester
M.Sc. 3rd Semester
M.Sc. 4th Semester
P.G. Syllabi Batch 2017
Course Pattern
Program Educational and Program Specific Outcomes
M.Sc. 1st Semester
M.Sc. 2nd Semester
M.Sc. 3rd Semester
M.Sc. 4th Semester
P.G. Syllabi batch 2015-2016
Course Pattern
M.Sc. 1st Semester
M.Sc. 2nd Semester
M.Sc. 3rd Semester
M.Sc. 4th Semester
P.G. Syllabi Batch 2014
M.Sc. 1st Semester
M.Sc. 2nd Semester
M.Sc. 3rd Semester
M.Sc. 4th Semester
P.G. Syllabi batch 2012-2013
M.Sc. 1st Semester
M.Sc. 2nd Semester
M.Sc. 3rd Semester
M.Sc. 4th Semester
P.G. Syllabi batch 2010-2011
M.Sc. 1st Semester
M.Sc. 2nd Semester
M.Sc. 3rd Semester
M.Sc. 4th Semester
U.G. Syllabi
U.G. Syllabi NEP 2022 onwards
Course Pattern alongwith Syllabi
U.G. Syllabi batch 2016-2021
U.G. Syllabi batch 2015
U.G. Syllabi Industrial Chemistry batch 2015
U.G. Syllabi batch 2013-2014
B.Sc. 1st Year
B.Sc. 2nd Year
B.Sc. 3rd Year
U.G. Syllabi batch 2012
B.Sc. 1st Year
B.Sc. 2nd Year
B.Sc. 3rd Year
Syllabi for M.Sc. Entrance Test
Syllabi for Ph.D. Entrance Test
Course Work Syllabus for Ph.D./ Integrated Ph.D. Programme
Syllabi for Industrial Chemistry Ph.D. Entrance Test
TIME TABLE 2nd semester
M.Sc. 4th Semester
Research Facilities
Departmental Library
Departmental Laboratories
Computer Lab
Glass Blowing Section
Register As Almuni
Almuni List
Criteria 1
Post Graduate
Course Structure
Program Outcome
New Courses Added / Employability /Global Needs
Field Projects
P.G. BOS Minutes
UG BOS Minutes
Criteria 2
Mentorship 2019-2020
Mentorship 2020-2021
Mentorship 2021-2022
Mentorship 2022-2023
Grievances (Examinaiton)
Criteria 3
3.1.2 Seed Money
3.1.4 Enrolled JRFs & SRFs in Department
3.1.5 Enrolled Ph.D.s
3.2.1 & 3.2.2 Research Funding
3.3.2 Students Research Awards
3.4.1 Ethics & Research Adv. Committee
Chemical Ethics
Research Advisory Committee
3.4.3 Ph.Ds Awarded
3.4.4 Research Publications
3.4.5 Books / Book Chapters Published
3.5.1 Revenue Generated
3.6.2 Extension & Outreach Programs
3.7.1 Functional MoUs with Institutes
Criteria 4
Smart Classroom
Computer Lab
Research Support Facilities
Criteria 5
5.1.1 Scholarships
5.1.2 Career Counseling
5.1.3 Capacity Development & Skills Enhancement
5.1.4 Grievances Redressal
5.2.1 Placement
5.2.2 Students Progressing to H.E.
5.3.1 Awards/ Medals in Sports/ Cultural Activities
5.3.3 Sports/ Cultural Events/Technical/ Academic Fests
Academic Fests
Placement Broucher
Alumni List
Criteria 6
6.3.3 Faculty Development Programmes
Criteria 7
Best Practices of the Department
Invited Lectures / Talks
Webinar Lecture Series
Evaluative Report
Faculty Ph.D. Degrees
Enrollment numbers for M.Sc. Chemistry 1st semester, batch 2024; Dated: 4-10-2024
Attention M.Sc 2nd semester paper scheduled on 24-09-2024 will be conducted on the same date; Dated: 19-9-2024
Attention students of M. Sc. Chemistry 2nd semester, batch 2023; Dated: 12-9-2024
Time-table for M.Sc. Chemistry 1st semester, batch 2024; Dated: 10-9-2024
Attention Notification for commence of class work 1st semester batch 2024; Dated: 10-9-2024
Attention All the students admitted to M.Sc Chemistry 1st semester batch 2024; Dated: 5-9-2024
DateSheet of 4th Semester backlog/regular batch 2022; Dated: 27-8-2024
DateSheet of 2nd Semester backlog/regular batch 2023; Dated: 27-8-2024
Hostel Accommodation Notice( Girls); Dated: 21-8-2024
Attention Notification for 3rd semester supplementary Examination 2024; Dated: 25-6-2024
Datesheet for 2nd semester OE/GE Courses backlog/ Regular batch 2023; Dated: 19-6-2024
Interview for selection of JRF; Dated: 7-6-2024
Attention, DRC /Counselling meeting for interaction with Candidates applied for Ph.D has been fixed; Dated: 21-5-2024
Datesheet for 4th semester supplementary Examination, Spring 2024; Dated: 24-4-2024
Application for JRF Position funded by DST-SERB; Dated: 8-4-2024
Time Table for Chemistry 4th Semester OE/GE (MARCH 2024); Dated: 29-3-2024
Time Table for Chemistry 2nd Semester OE/GE (MARCH 2024); Dated: 29-3-2024
walk In interview for Junior project fellow; Dated: 28-3-2024
notice regarding Date of postponed exam; Dated: 7-3-2024
advertisement notice for the position of JRF; Dated: 5-3-2024
Notification regarding the counseling of Ph.D candidates.; Dated: 28-2-2024
Attention paper preponed M.Sc Chemistry 1st semester backlog/Regular batch 2023; Dated: 2-2-2024
Date Sheet for 3rd Semester batch 2022; Dated: 23-1-2024
Date Sheet for 1st Semester batch 2023; Dated: 23-1-2024
Attention examination postponed M.Sc 4th Semester batch 2021 regular/ backlog; Dated: 21-1-2024
Walk-in interview for research assistant in RUSA funded Project; Dated: 22-12-2023
DateSheet of 4th Semester backlog regular batch 2021; Dated: 22-12-2023
DateSheet of 4th Semester backlog regular batch 2021; Dated: 22-12-2023
Provisional admission of the candidates to P.hD in Chemistry; Dated: 6-9-2023
Bio metric authentication drive of NSP Scholarship; Dated: 17-8-2023
Admission Notice for M.Sc Chemistry batch 2022; Dated: 16-8-2023
Attention M.Sc chemistry 1st semester batch 2023 fresher meet 2023 letter; Dated: 11-8-2023
Attention Notice for the last date for registration for 20th annual convocation; Dated: 11-8-2023
Attention Notification for commence of class work 1st semester batch 2023; Dated: 2-8-2023
DateSheet of 2nd Semester backlog/ Regular batch 2022; Dated: 11-7-2023
DateSheet of M.Sc Chemistry 3rd Semester Regular batch 2021; Dated: 2-6-2023
DateSheet of 4th Semester Mercy chance batch 2010-2016; Dated: 30-5-2023
DateSheet of 2nd Semester mercy Chance batch 2010-2016; Dated: 30-5-2023
Attention paper postponed M.Sc Chemistry 3rd Semester backlog; Dated: 10-4-2023
DateSheet of 3rd Semester backlog batch 2018-2020; Dated: 5-4-2023
DateSheet for 3rd Semester batch 2010-2016 mercy chance; Dated: 3-4-2023
Attention M.Sc Chemistry students 1st 2nd 3rd & 4th semester mercy chance batch 2010-2016; Dated: 14-3-2023
Attention M.Sc. Chemistry 3rd semester, batch 2021 students; Dated: 1-3-2023
change in examination timing for 4th semester as well as for 1st Semester; Dated: 27-1-2023
Walk in Interview for eligible candidates for one post of Junior Research Fellow(JRF); Dated: 27-1-2023
Attention examination postponed M.Sc 4th Semester batch 2020; Dated: 13-1-2023
Attention 1st 2nd 3rd 4th semester backlog division improvement mercy chance M.Sc Chemistry submit your examination forms; Dated: 10-1-2023
attention last day for P.hD candidates; Dated: 28-10-2022
DateSheet for M.Sc chemistry 2nd Semester autumn 2022; Dated: 27-10-2022
attention al the students /scholars are directed to refrain from playing cricket or other games; Dated: 27-10-2022
Attention M.Sc 2nd semester Regular/ backlog and division improvement candidates to submit their examination form Autumn 2022; Dated: 19-9-2022
Ph.D Admission Notice; Dated: 16-9-2022
Attention M.Sc 4th semester batch 2020 who are interested in training programme AT Punjab; Dated: 12-9-2022
examination notification of 2nd semester regular/ backlog /division improvement 2017 onwards batches; Dated: 8-9-2022
All the candidates who have applied for Ph.D admission under exempted category are advised to be present in the DRC; Dated: 28-8-2022
meeting notice of DRC/Counseling and list of candidates who have applied online for Ph.D /3 year intergrated Ph.D; Dated: 26-8-2022
Examination notice of OE/GE Courses M.Sc 2nd semester batch 2021; Dated: 25-8-2022
Timetable for M.Sc. 1st Semester, Batch 2022, with effect from 17-08-2022; Dated: 17-8-2022
Attention Students of 1st Semester, batch 2022 (Fresh Admission), Revised date for classwork; Dated: 12-8-2022
Attention Students of 1st Semester, batch 2022 (Fresh Admission); Dated: 8-8-2022
Students aid corpus fund scheme; Dated: 28-7-2022
Datesheet for M.Sc. 3rd Semester, batch 2020 with new timing; Dated: 27-7-2022
Attention Students of 3rd Semester, batch 2020; Dated: 30-6-2022
Time Table for OE-GE Courses 2nd Semester 2021 Batch 2021 w.e.f 02--06-2022; Dated: 2-6-2022
Timetable for M.Sc. 3rd Semester, Batch 2020, with effect from 02-06-2022; Dated: 2-6-2022
DateSheet for GE/OE course of 3rd semester batch 2020; Dated: 20-5-2022
attention PG 3rd semester students who have opt OE course Philosophy of science in the Department of Chemistry; Dated: 20-5-2022
Last working day and examination of M.Sc. 3rd sem, batch 2020; Dated: 20-5-2022
Attention students Chemistry 1st, 3rd and 4th semester backlog/division improvement examination 2022; Dated: 9-5-2022
DateSheet for M.Sc chemistry 1st Semester batch 2021; Dated: 27-4-2022
Attention M.Sc Chemistry batch 2021 submit your examination forms; Dated: 15-4-2022
Following students of Chemistry 1st semester 2021 are informed to approach the office.; Dated: 11-4-2022
Examination Notice of 1st Semester Students M.Sc Chemistry batch 2021; Dated: 7-4-2022
DateSheet of 4th Semester batch 2019; Dated: 28-3-2022
Attention Students M.Sc Chemistry batch 2020, organic lab course is scheduled from 23 March; Dated: 18-3-2022
Attention M.Sc Chemistry 1st sem Chemistry batch 2021 for collection of their migration certificate; Dated: 15-3-2022
All the research scholars are directed to submit bio-data for university fellowship; Dated: 11-3-2022
No lab work on 12-03-2022 (Saturday); Dated: 10-3-2022
Generic Elective and open elective (OE/GE) examination; Dated: 9-3-2022
Viva voce of Mr. Lateef Ahmad Malik; Dated: 7-3-2022
Attention 2nd semester batch 2020; Dated: 24-2-2022
Exam postponed to 25-02-2022; Dated: 23-2-2022
Classwork and lab course scheduled from 02-03-2022; Dated: 23-2-2022
Datesheet for M.Sc. 2nd Semester, batch 2020; Dated: 10-2-2022
Closure of department as precautionary measure; Dated: 17-1-2022
Attention students of M. Sc. 2nd semester, batch 2020; Dated: 16-1-2022
Attention students of M. Sc. 2nd semester, batch 2020; Dated: 8-1-2022
Attention Students of 2nd Semester, batch 2020; Dated: 31-12-2021
Attention Students of 1st Semester, batch 2021; Dated: 31-12-2021
Attention Students of 4th Semester, batch 2019; Dated: 31-12-2021
Attention Students of 1st Semester, batch 2021; Dated: 22-12-2021
Datesheet of 2nd Semester batch 2020 w.e.f 30-12-2021; Dated: 7-12-2021
Attention Students of batch 2020; Dated: 6-12-2021
Non-teaching staff on duty for 27-11-2021; Dated: 26-11-2021
Resumption of office work; Dated: 25-11-2021
All the candidates who have applied for Ph.D admission are advised to be present in the DRC; Dated: 24-11-2021
department is open on 24-11-2021 for the students who need to submit scholarship forms.; Dated: 23-11-2021
Roll Number Series,batch 2021 (Cont.); Dated: 17-11-2021
Roll Number Series,batch 2021; Dated: 17-11-2021
Consent forms for field trip, batch 2019; Dated: 2-11-2021
Interview of scholars who have applied for BSR fellowship; Dated: 29-10-2021
Introductory class for M.Sc. 1st Semester, batch 2021; Dated: 21-10-2021
Notification regarding pending fee of self-finance payment, batch 2020; Dated: 7-10-2021
Hostel accommodation for girls; Dated: 1-10-2021
Offline classes for M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Semester, batch 2020; Dated: 1-10-2021
Offline classes for M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Semester, batch 2019; Dated: 1-10-2021
Notice regarding Training Programme at SAIF Punjab; Dated: 1-10-2021
External practical examination of M.Sc 3rd semester (physical Chemistry); Dated: 27-9-2021
Notification regarding vaccination certificates; Dated: 8-9-2021
Attention Students of 4th Semester, batch 2019; Dated: 3-8-2021
Final reminder for all the concerned students of M.Sc chemistry 1st 3rd and 4th semester examination spring 2021 backlog Division improvement; Dated: 19-7-2021
Attention it is information to all students applied for Chemistry 1st, 3rd, 4th semester backlog/division Improvement spring 2021; Dated: 18-7-2021
Attention following research scholars are informed that the course work paper II examination has been fix on moday; Dated: 13-7-2021
Attention following students are directed to submit their account number for release of students Aid corpus fund; Dated: 13-7-2021
Attention all the research scholars who are not availing are directed to submit documents; Dated: 13-7-2021
Attention Students of 3rd and 4th Semester; Dated: 12-7-2021
Online class will commence from 26th july 2021; Dated: 12-7-2021
Date Sheet for Chemistry 4th semester Backlog/ Division improvement; Dated: 12-7-2021
Date Sheet for Chemistry 3rd semester Backlog/ Division improvement; Dated: 12-7-2021
Date Sheet for Chemistry 1st semester Backlog/ Division improvement; Dated: 12-7-2021
Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd Semester 2021 (batch 2020) through online mode w.e.f 12-07-2021; Dated: 12-7-2021
Laboratory schedule for advanced laboratory course in organic chemistry for batch 2018; Dated: 1-7-2021
The practical courses of 4th semester batch 2018; Dated: 24-6-2021
Attention backlog students of 1st and 3rd semesters; Dated: 16-6-2021
Attention students of M. Sc. 1st semester and 4th semester; Dated: 15-6-2021
Notice with regard to course completion of the M.Sc 3rd Sem Batch 2019 and M.Sc 1st sem batch 2020; Dated: 21-5-2021
Date sheet for conduct of online examination of chemistry IV Semester Batch 2018; Dated: 14-5-2021
Examination notice for IV Semester batch 2018 and backlog candidates.; Dated: 14-5-2021
Date sheet for conduct of OE/GE Course Exam of M.Sc 1st SEM batch 2020; Dated: 8-5-2021
Seminar presentation dates; Dated: 28-4-2021
Attention students of M. Sc. 4th semester, batch 2018; Dated: 23-4-2021
Duty Roster of the department in pursuance of university order dated:-16-04-2021; Dated: 22-4-2021
Online classes for all semesters; Dated: 19-4-2021
The department is closed from 15-04-2021 to 20-04-2021 in view of the positive covid cases found; Dated: 15-4-2021
Attention Students of 1st Semester, batch 2020; Dated: 20-3-2021
Attention students the Department shall remain open on 11 and 13 march; Dated: 10-3-2021
Attention students of 3rd semester, batch 2018; Dated: 9-3-2021
Suspension of classwork on 27th, 28th February and 1st March for 4th Semester; Dated: 26-2-2021
Attention! M.Sc. 1st Semester, Batch 2020; Dated: 4-2-2021
Attention students M. Sc. 1st Semester, Batch 2020; Dated: 16-1-2021
Attention! Students of M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Semester, Batch 2020; Dated: 13-1-2021
Last date for submission of Anti-Ragging form; Dated: 9-1-2021
Attention! Download Anti Ragging Form, M.Sc. 1st Semester, Batch 2020; Dated: 30-12-2020
Allotment of Enrollment Numbers to M.Sc. 1st Semester, Batch 2020 P2; Dated: 28-12-2020
Allotment of Enrollment Numbers to M.Sc. 1st Semester, Batch 2020; Dated: 28-12-2020
Fit India Cyclothon; Dated: 24-12-2020
Snow Skiing Course for Jan-Feb 2021; Dated: 16-12-2020
Online classes of 3rd Semester, batch 2019.; Dated: 5-12-2020
Timetable for M.Sc. 1st Semester, Batch 2020, Online mode; Dated: 2-12-2020
List of students without Original Income certificates in scholarship forms; Dated: 27-11-2020
Introductory session for M.Sc. 1st Semester students batch 2020 (Notification II); Dated: 25-11-2020
Specialization list, Semester III, Batch 2018 (Physical Branch); Dated: 9-11-2020
Specialization list, Semester III, Batch 2018 (Oragnic Branch); Dated: 9-11-2020
Specialization list, Semester III, Batch 2018 (Inoragnic Branch); Dated: 9-11-2020
Condolence meeting; Dated: 17-10-2020
Registration link for Webinar Lecture 7th; Dated: 6-10-2020
Flyer for Webinar Lecture 7th; Dated: 6-10-2020
Duty Roaster; Dated: 30-9-2020
webinar lecture series; Dated: 5-9-2020
Attention! Counselling for 3 Years integrated Mphil/P.hD for Nanotechnology; Dated: 4-9-2020
Tender Notice for HPLC; Dated: 20-8-2020
Date Sheet for the conduct of the Examination of Generic and Open elective Courses offered by the Department of Chemistry for 2nd Sem batch 2018 and 1st Sem batch 2019; Dated: 25-7-2020
Time table for the Generic and Open Elective courses offered by the Department of Chemistry for 2nd Sem batch 2019 and 3rd Sem batch 2018; Dated: 25-7-2020
Date Sheet for Backolg 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Semesters; Dated: 22-7-2020
List of Candidates applied for Ph.D. / 3- Year Integrated Ph.D. under exempted category.; Dated: 3-7-2020
Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd semester 2020 (Batch 2019) online mode w.e.f 29.06.2020; Dated: 29-6-2020
Time Table for M.Sc. 3rd semester 2020 (Batch 2018) online mode w.e.f 29.06.2020; Dated: 29-6-2020
ATTENTION: Date Sheet for the conduct of IInd Semester Examination; Dated: 10-6-2020
ATTENTION:Date Sheet for the conduct of M. SC. Ist Semester Examination.; Dated: 10-6-2020
Notice regarding link for the registration of courses.; Dated: 5-6-2020
ATTENTION: Date Sheet for the conduct of M.Sc. Ist Semester Examination.; Dated: 10-6-2020
Store Keeper: Notice to provide details; Dated: 5-6-2020
Attetion M.Sc 4th Semester (Batch-2017) Submit soft copy of Seminar Project; Dated: 18-5-2020
Notification regarding suspension of academic ativities till 31-03-2020; Dated: 18-3-2020
Notification regarding registration for "Gender Champions"; Dated: 18-3-2020
Time Table for M.Sc. ist Semester; Dated: 10-2-2020
Registration of fresh volunteers for NSS for the session 2020-2021; Dated: 8-2-2020
Ph.D. Viva-Voce of Mr. Mohd Sajid Lone on 5th February - 2020 at 3:30 pm; Dated: 30-1-2020
Date Sheet for M.Sc. Chemistry IVth Semester Open Elective (Course) Examination, Session 2019, Batch – 2017; Dated: 28-12-2019
Date Sheet for M.Sc. Ivth semester Batch - 2017 (Regular / Backlog); Dated: 17-12-2019
Notice for students of 2nd semester, batch - 2018 regarding Instrumentation training programme; Dated: 26-11-2019
Option form for the specialization at the M.Sc. IV Semester level; Dated: 11-5-2017
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